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"If you just get the ball rolling, people will come out of the woodwork, as if by magic, and help make your dream come true".

- Eric Soares

Friends, I want to tell you why your support is so important to us.


We're All Volunteers

The National Center for Cold Water Safety is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization run entirely by volunteers. Nobody receives any compensation, including me, and that's the way it's been for over 10 years.


No Advertising

When you go to our website, or watch one of our many videos, you won't see any obnoxious ads and you won't be asked to register in order to enter and use the site. That's because we don't want you to be distracted by ads, and we also don't want to create any obstacles that might discourage people from coming here and learning about cold water safety.


No Corporate Donations

We also don't accept corporate donations. Instead, we rely entirely on individual contributions. Why is that? It's because if you're an advocacy organization, as soon as you take corporate money, you compromise both your objectivity and your ability to speak openly and honestly about important issues that affect your mission.


You Make This Possible

We're very grateful to the many volunteers who have helped us over the years and especially those generous individuals who support the Center financially. Without their help, you wouldn't be reading this.


Friends, we build this house one brick at a time, and your generosity makes it possible.  Thank you for your support.

Moulton Avery

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